Diet culture in the 80s greatly impacted body image for many women. But the fact that there was straight-up body image propaganda placed on the desks of young girls nationwide—how rude! From skincare to haircare to “delicious dieting” (no, we’re not making this up), this pamphlet packed a punch. But to what end? And what was the impact of this messaging? What were young girls then seeing throughout their school and at home? Registered Dietitian Amy Carlson joins Chrissy for this conversation.
Together, they take an in-depth look at a pamphlet that was placed on 10-year-old Chrissy’s desk. This episode is full of giggles about scratch-n-sniff stickers, plastic lunch boxes, posters, and more! But they also discuss the seriousness of the issues and advice presented to young girls in this handout. (Honestly, what were they thinking?!) Be sure to tune into the follow-up episode all about diet culture in the 90s!
In this episode, we cover:
- Things that were part of pop culture in the 80s
- How Chrissy and Amy were impacted by diet culture in the 80s
- What young girls were told about body image and dieting
- What young girls are being told now about body image and dieting
- The moment that many young girls begin to feel bad about their bodies—regardless of the decade
- How the dieting behavior and body image of your mom and grandma impact you as a young woman
- What role schools played in body image and dieting for young girls in the 80s
- Chrissy’s introduction to “good diet habits” as a young girl
- How we can find compassion and healing for the younger, hurt versions of ourselves through the Lord
- Where we see messages like this still for young kids, even with references to God and the Bible
- What was going on in the world at the same time as these dieting tips were being dished out to kids and adults
- How this messaging ties in with a need for control
During the episode, Chrissy references this pamphlet that certainly has ruffled our feathers – pun intended
Whether or not you experienced diet culture in the 80s firsthand, we’ve all been impacted by the messaging. As we mentioned in the example on the show, each decade it changes—but only slightly. From self-worth and body image to “good” vs “bad” foods, we’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts with us on this conversation about 80s diet culture to or send us a voice message on SpeakPipe!
Check out this sweet photo of Chrissy that is referenced in the episode. We are here for the geese and mullet.
More About Amy Carlson
Amy Carlson, RD (Registered Dietitian) has held a thriving private practice in the Houston, Texas area serving the eating disorder population for nearly two decades. She holds her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition from the University of Minnesota, where she grew up, and received her Masters of Science in Nutrition from TWU in the Texas Medical Center. Passionate about truth and the equipping of women to find freedom, Amy is a highly sought after speaker, spending her time traveling both across the state of Texas, and the country speaking to groups of women for retreats and women’s conferences. Her longing to have a bigger reach with the truth and knowledge of food and the body became a reality with the co-founding of the Peace With Food App: the opportunity to pour years of her experience into a personalized application for anyone to use. Amy and her husband have been happily married for over 20 years and together they live a busy and active life with their four beautiful children.
*Please note that this episode contains topics such as anorexia and bulimia which may be sensitive for some listeners.
Links & Mentioned Resources
Connect with Amy:
Christian Treatment Finder Profile
SpeakPipe – send us a voice message
Eating Issues Test: Not sure where you stand with eating issues? Take a test
The Daily Vitamin eDevo: A free devotional with bite-sized truth emailed 5 days a week
Community Groups: Find connection with Bible study and prayer groups
Christian Treatment Finder: Connecting you with Christian providers experienced in treating eating issues.
Lasting Freedom Online Course: A Christ-centered, non-diet course to work through false beliefs about food and weight so you can live free from disordered eating and body image issues.
Interlude music by “Hotham” – Morning Thoughts
Intro music by “MokkaMusic” – Old Jeans (Funk)
Production & Editing by Leah Bryant Co
The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you have, or suspect you may have, an eating disorder, please consult your healthcare provider. If you desire to receive faith-based care, visit to browse professionals with a Kingdom campaign against eating disorders.