Old School Food Freedom

Food, Body, and Freedom in Christ with Travis Stewart, MA, LPC, NCC

By October 10, 2022December 19th, 2024No Comments

food body and freedom in christ

What does it mean to embrace a live-body experience by expressing gratitude for how your body functions? Find out in today’s episode as FINDINGbalance Executive Director, Chrissy Kirkman, chats with counselor, recovery coach, and FINDINGbalance board member, Travis Stewart.

Listen and learn as Travis takes us through a journey of exploring how we use food and bodies in our culture, what the Bible teaches us about the body, and finding TRUE freedom and healing in Christ.

Subscribe to the Old School Food Freedom Podcast! We have so many incredible guests and conversations ahead that you won’t want to miss an episode.



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Phenomenally Created, Trading the Lies You Believe About Your Body for What God Says Is True” by Travis Stewart and Allie Marie Smith

Reflective Prayer – A guided prayer experience promoting hope, healing, and change through a vital connection with God.

CEDCN Profile


Chrissy’s Letterboard Lyrics: “Here’s My Heart” by I Am They

Music by “MokkaMusic”; track: Old Jeans (Funk)

Production & Editing by Marketing With Wisdom



Eating Issues Test:

Not sure where you stand with eating issues? Take a test to know the enemy you’re up against

The Daily Vitamin eDevo:

A free devotional with bite-sized truth emailed 5 days a week

Community Groups:

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Digital Learning Library:

Library of free videos, articles, recommended books, and expert Q&A

Christian Treatment Finder:

Connecting you with Christian providers experienced in treating eating issues. Professionals, create a profile so you can be found!

Lasting Freedom Online Course:

A Christ-centered, non-diet course to work through false beliefs about food and weight so you can live free from disordered eating and body image issues.

The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you or someone you care about is battling an eating disorder or is experiencing unmanageable thoughts or feelings, please call 911 (if in the U.S.), or visit your nearest emergency room.