April 10, 2012 Why are Periods Important? "Why is it important for women to have regular periods?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 7, 2012 Male ED’s and Sterility "Is it true that guys with eating disorders can become sterile, and lose their ability… Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 7, 2012 Light Periods with Eating Disorder "I have been struggling with disordered eating for a while now and have noticed that… Karen Amos 0 Love0
January 30, 2012 Healthy Weight for Menstruation "Is there a certain weight that must be achieved for periods to start happening again?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
January 30, 2012 Healthy Pregnancy and ED’s "Is it possible for female disordered eaters and/or compulsive exercisers to have healthy pregnancies?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
January 30, 2012 Health Risks – Compulsive Exercise "How can compulsive exercising negatively impact one's health?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
January 29, 2012 ED’s and Infertility "Is there a link between disordered eating and infertility?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
January 28, 2012 Compulsive Exercising and Reproductive Health "How can over-exercising impact fertility?" Karen Amos 0 Love0