February 14, 2012
Parents Suspect Eating Disorder – First Step
"What is the first step a parent should take if they suspect their child is…

January 30, 2012
Impact of Photoshop on Kids
"Is it true that all magazine covers are photoshopped? What does this mean and what…

January 30, 2012
How to Arm Kids to View Media Critically
"What are some good ways to arm my kids to think critically about media messages,…

January 29, 2012
Finding Help in Rural Areas
"What do you do if you live in a rural area and can’t find good…

January 28, 2012
Common Mistakes Parents Make That Can Trigger ED’s
"What are some common mistakes that parents make that can trigger disordered eating behaviors?"

January 25, 2012
Appropriate Blame to Absorb for Parents of Disordered Eaters
"Where is the balance between a parent taking too much blame and not taking enough…