October 18, 2012
Teen: No Periods and Hair Thinning As A Result of Dieting
I have struggled with dieting my whole life, but it wasn't until the past 8…
October 12, 2012
Frustrated with Weight Gain as Menstruation Approaches
I have been dieting for over a month. One week the scales will say I…

April 10, 2012
Why are Periods Important?
"Why is it important for women to have regular periods?"

March 14, 2012
When Does Osteopenia Occur in Anorexia
"How long does it take before osteopenia begins to occur in an anorexic?"

March 12, 2012
What is Osteopenia
"I've heard that you can develop something called "osteopenia" when you have an eating disorder.…

March 7, 2012
Light Periods with Eating Disorder
"I have been struggling with disordered eating for a while now and have noticed that…

January 30, 2012
Healthy Weight for Menstruation
"Is there a certain weight that must be achieved for periods to start happening again?"