October 30, 2013 Tired of Being Overweight "I am overweight and hate this aspect of my life. I feel like people are… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Recovering Disordered Eater – Post-Partum Struggles to Return to Normal Weight "I am a recovering disordered eater and I just delivered my first baby a few… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Recovering Binge Eater – Blew It Last Night! "I have been in recovery for binge eating for several months now, but last night… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Recovering Anorexic Now Chewing and Spitting "I was anorexic about 4 years ago and very underweight and sick. I got help… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant with Twins – Terrified About Weight Gain "I just found out I'm pregnant with twins, and I'm TERRIFIED about how huge I'm… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant Daughter (and Disordered Eater) Not Gaining Enough Weight "My daughter is pregnant and I'm worried that she's not eating enough. She's very slim,… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant – Why Don’t I Enjoy This? "I'm tired of hearing other women talk about how amazing it is to be pregnant.… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant – Husband’s Comments Aren’t Helping "I'm pregnant and my husband has been making some not-so-positive comments about my changing body,… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant – How to Maintain Privacy Without Hurting Feelings "I am pregnant and am trying very hard to stay healthy in my mind about… Karen Amos 0 Love0
August 7, 2012 Pregnant – How to Battle Negative Thinking "I am pregnant and want to have a positive attitude toward the changes I know… Karen Amos 0 Love0